Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – October 1, 2018

December 3, 2018


                                                  NOVEMBER 5, 2018

The October 1,2018 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at borough office

With all members present.  Patrons present: Bob & Anita Crum, Ron Buchar, Stan Martin

Pres. Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge of Allegiance and in-

Vocation by Lyn.

Sec. report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded. Carried.

Treasurer report was reviewed: Blade made motion to accept, Ruthann seconded.

Motion carried.

Patron comments: Mr. Crum was present asking council to waive the storm water

Ordinance for his new structure being built on his property.  Engineer Chris Kraft,

Stated that council can waive state ordinance, he explained that a trench would

Need to be around building and filled with stone,  borough could monitor and

  Do own inspection to save costs.

Unfinished business: street lights will be repaired by Met Ed.

Tree removal will be done by landfill and clean up property on boro lot.

New Business: Audit on road fund was done by DCED.

Lyn made motion, Blade seconded to donate $2000 to fire co. and $250 for

Halloween party.

Don made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded, motion carried.

Council went to Executive session at 8:47. Council reconvened to regular meeting

At 9:10.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn Lyn seconded, carried.

Next meeting Nov, 5

Respectfully submitted: Juanita Smith, sec.