Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes for July 5, 2016

August 1, 2016


AUGUST 1, 2016

The July 5,2016 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main St. With following          members present: Marv Henise, Rosalyn and Lloyd Mcelhenny, Christine Grosh, Ruthann Palacios.

V.P. Marv Henise opened the meeting at 7:30 pm with Pledge of Allegiance.

Rosalyn offered the invocation.

SECRETARY REPORT was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Chris

seconded, Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Chris made motion to accept, Rosalyn seconded,

Motion Carried.

ENGINEER REPORT: Yorkana may qualify for a waiver for MS4 regulations.

Old Business: Lynn reported that no funds are available for consortium

according to Pam Shellenberger, YCPC.

Hollabaugh property was mowed and Hollabaugh stated he is

planning improvements to his property.

Discussion on appraisal for Wilkin house, Council felt we

should do an earlier appraisal.

NEW BUSINESS:  Skip suggested we look into Met Ed and see if they could

install LEd bulbs in street lights.

Complaint about TV sitting on sidewalk at Christ UM property

sidewalk. We will contact church.

A letter from Robert Strickler, solicitor, informing us of

his joing the CGA Law Firm, along with Peter Solymos and

Charles Calkins. Skip made a motion and Ruthan Seconded

to continue our retention of Strickler, V.P. Henise signed

the authorization form.  Motion carried.

Rosalyn made motion to pay bills, Chris seconded. Motion carried.

Next meeting August 1, 2016

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, motion carried.


Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.