Meeting Minutes February 6, 2017
March 19, 2017
MARCH 6, 2017
The February 6, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 main st. with all members present.
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm with pledge and invocation by Lyn.
Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed: Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded, motion carried.
Brad Saylor from Yorkana fire police was present to explain that badges they wear are so expensive, so they would like to go with a patch to be worn on their jackets. Council approved for fire police to go with patch. Letter of approval to be sent to them.
Unfinished Business:
Steve reported that settlement went well for new office bldg.
Marv and Rod will put up speed signs when weather warms.
Marv and Don removed cable wire hanging over driveway.
Hollabaugh property discussion.
New Business
Spring cleanup May 3, Yard sale – May 5 and 6.
Petitions for re-election were handed out.
Real estate and per capita taxes will be mailed out with a newsletter.
Ms4 public meeting will be held March 6, at 7:30pm at fire hall with council meeting following. Chris Kraft will conduct ms4 meeting.
Chris will talk with neighbor about parking in office driveway.
Recreation authority, Skip made motion, Marv seconded to adopt proposed ordinance and article of confederation for Formation of Eastern York Recreation Authority with $4 per capita and a progressive increase of per capita annually up to $6. Motion carried.
Chris made motion Lyn seconded to appoint Skip and Nita to represent Borough on Authority Board. carried.
Lyn and Marv will attend EMA meeting.
Chris made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded.
Don made motion, Marv seconded to adjourn, motions carried.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, secretary