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Meeting Minutes – December 2025

January 13,2025

The December 9th meeting of Yorkana Borough Council was called to order by President Steve Daugherty at 7:30 pm. Followed by the pledge of allegiance and an invocation led by Lyn McElheny. Members present were: Nita Smith, Lyn McElheny, Dave Bardo, Marv Henise, Christine Grosh, Ruthann Palacios and Jolene Kirsch. Also attending was Mayor McElheny.

Chris from C,S,Davidson attended the meeting to review some information regarding the storm water plans for Fry’s Avenue.

Minutes of the November 11th meeting were read and accepted on a motion by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn. The treasurer’s report was given and approved on a motion from Jolene and 2nd by Marv.

Larry and Renee Heinley, residents of the borough, visited and joined us for our meeting.

The 2025 budget for the Borough was advertised as required and then passed on a motion from Lyn and 2nd by Ruthann. The Per Capita and Real Estate taxes will remain the same.

Sewage was discussed and it was decided on a motion by Marv and 2nd by Lyn that inspections must be done every four years. There will be no exceptions to the ordinance. An inspection must be completed by all households in 2025.

There was no new business to be discussed. A motion was made by Lyn and 2nd by Chris to pay bills.

Ruthann made a motion to adjourn which was 2nd by Lyn.


Meeting Minutes – October 2024

November 11,2024

The October 14th,2024 meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty at 7:30 followed by the pledge to the flag and invocation given by Lyn McElheny. Members present in addition to the two named above were Dave Bardo, Christine Grosh, Ruthann Palacios, Nita Smith and Jolene Kirsch and Mayor Lloyd McElhenny. Absent was Marv Henise.

The minutes of the September 9th meeting were read and accepted on a motion from Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

The treasurer’s report was read and accepted on a motion from Lyn and 2nd by Christine.

Tony Williams who represents Windsor Township as their Emergency Management provider was present at the meeting and provided in detail the service that he can provide for the Borough. It was decided for Lyn to coordinate with Tony and report back to council. Tony will have an effective date for Emergency Management Services 1/1/25 with a motion by Ruthann and 2nd by Jolene. This will save the borough approximately $2000.00 per year and provide faster and more complete service.

Chief Hopple from the fire company reported that there has not been a missed call in 1 year and 9 months. He was thanked by the council members.

Levi French from Sheepdog Patrol, addressed the quick response services he can provide to the borough at no charge. Sheepdog Patrol is a stand by service that can step in and provide assistance to residents, by certified individuals, if for some reason an ambulance is not available or delayed from answering a call. This was approved on a motion by Dave and 2nd by


A contract with the S.P.C.A. for 2025 was discussed and approved.

Nita is to make a copy of the Animal Ordinance and see each member receive it for discussion at the November meeting.

Trick or Treat is scheduled for 10/31/24 from 6pm-8pm.

Fall clean up is 11/2/24.

The annual Borough Association dinner will be at Winterstown Fire Company on 11/16/24 at 5:30, if interested let Nita know by November 8th.

Election day is November 5th.

Breakfast with Santa will be held at the old Fire Company building, 42 Main St., on 12/7/24 from 8am – 11am.

Christmas tree lighting will take place in front of the Borough office on 12/7/24 at 5:30pm. This was approved on a motion by Jolene and 2nd by


A motion to pay bills along with a donation to SAFERS for $2500.00 and

EYARC for $200.00, was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn, A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

Next meeting will be 11/11/24

Respectfully submitted

Jolene Kirsch


Meeting Minutes – September 2024

October 14,2024

The meeting of September 9th, was called to order by Vice President Christine Grosh at 7:30 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was followed by an invocation from Lyn McElhenny.
Members present were, Christine, Lyn, Dave Bardo, Marv Henise and Jolene Kirsch

Minutes of the meeting from August 12th were read and accepted on a motion by Lyn and 2nd by Marv.

The treasurer’s report was read by Christine and accepted on a motion from Jolene and 2nd by Lyn.

Old business– The Mayor completed the handicap parking on the curb in front of the church.
Our animal ordinance needs to be updated.
Emergency management discussion was tabled until the October meeting.

New Business– Chief Hopple from the fire company passed along information that the workman’s compensation should be paid and we would be reimbursed for our share.
A motion from Lyn and 2nd by Marv approved animal control services from Michelle Klugh Control Services for 2025.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lyn and 2nd by Dave.

Respectfully submitted,
Jolene Kirsch


Meeting Minutes – August 2024

September 9,2024

The August 12th,2024 meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty, followed by the pledge of allegiance and invocation by Mayor McElheny.

Members present were, Nita Smith, Dave Bardo, Ruthann Palacios, Marvin Henise, Lyn McElheny, Christine Grosh, Jolene Kirsch, President Steve Daugherty and Mayor Lloyd McElhenny.

A correction from last month’s minutes changed property owners listed as Pauling to Pangeos on a motion from Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

The treasurer’s report was passed on a motion by Marv and 2nd by


Old Business…Damian Wladlowski attended the meeting to talk about problems he has with dogs in town not being on leashes and chasing his wife. The problem was already taken care of before the council meeting.

Richardson property, work is progressing.

69 Main Street send a letter that informs the owner that the fine is up to $300.00.

Kefauver property, barn is okay but still has weeds on other buildings.

79 Main Street, council to send another letter about the weeds.

The speed limit sign by the church needs to be moved.

The weed ordinance was discussed and it was decided to keep the maximum length of weeds at 12 inches and we will continue to enforce the ordinance. A property owner will have seven (7) days to comply or will be fined. Subsequent infractions will automatically be fined.

The truck at the church has been removed.

Nita reported that she was in touch with Shred It. The cost for a Saturday would be $325.00 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours. Nita is to contact Windsor Twp to see if we can have some of our residents join in their next event.

PennDOT is to send someone out to check the maintenance that needs to be done along the curb line.

September 6th and 7th is the community yard sale and the 1st Saturday in November is fall cleanup.

Chris Craft from C.S. Davidson attended our August meeting. Chris reported that the York County Planning Commission has authority for any subdivision plans. The Borough does have a say before there is a final approval and at that point, we need to contact C.S. Davidson.

New Business…

Emergency Management has changed their by-laws and have increased their base rate for the Borough. Our cost will increase from $538.00 to $2038.68 per year. Discussion on this has been tabled until the September meeting.

The Brethren Church has requested another handicap parking spot in front of the church along Main Street. The Mayor volunteered to take

care of this.

The Fire Company merger is complete. There will be a service to retire the number 38 and enter number 13 in service.

A motion to pay new bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Ruthann.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Marv.


Meeting Minutes – July 2024

August 12,2024

The July meeting of the Yorkana Borough Council was called to order by President Steve Daugherty. The Pledge of Allegiance was said followed by an invocation by Christine Grosh.

Present were: Stever Daugherty, President; Christine Grosh, Vice

President; Nita Smith, Secretary – Treasurer and members : Ruthann

Palacios, Marvin Henise, Dave Bardo, Lyn McElheny and Jolene


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted on a motion form Ruthann and 2nd by Christine.

The treasurer’s report was also accepted on a motion from Lyn and 2nd by Marv.

Don Hopple from the fire company was present and gave information about the merger of Yorkana, Dallastown and Yoe Fire Companies. The merger was approved on paper and he gave us information about how the borough will be impacted with better response times and more personnel.

Old Business: Richmond property, a pole building is being erected and work continues on the clean-up of the property.

Speed limit sign by the church is to be moved to the previous location and the other sign is still being recalibrated.

Moyer property, Nita is to check with our attorney and see what steps can be taken next.

69 Main St., Nita spoke with the property owner about the weeds and fallen tree. The owner was Leaving for several weeks to go to Greece. It was decided to send another letter to the owner to clean up the property or will be fined.

79 Main St., work is being done on the property.

72 Main St., the grass has been mowed.

Kefauver property, some of the weeds have been cut down but there are still problems to be addressed.

The truck at the church is still there. A letter was previously sent to the owner and the problem Remains, a letter will now be sent with a copy to go to the church so they are aware of the problem.

Nita called Shred It and no one has returned her call. She to try to contact them again.

New Business: Nita is to call PennDot in York to arrange for them to come out and apply sealer along the curb lines in town. Water is seeping down the gaps and weeds are also growing.

Pauling property, a car has been sitting in the driveway with no wheels and on jacks for an extended period of time, possibly a few years. A letter is to be sent to the owner explaining the ordinance.

A motion to pay the bills was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Christine.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lyn and 2nd by Ruthann.

Respectfully submitted

Jolene Kirsch


Meeting Minutes – June 2024

June 10,2024

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Christine Grosh at 7:30 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was said and followed by invocation from Lloyd McElheny. Members present were Juanita Smith, Ruthann Palacios, Marv Henise, Christine Grosh, Lyn McElheny, Jolene Kirsch and Mayor McElheny. Absent were President Steve Daugherty and Dave Bardo.

The minutesof the previous meeting were read and accepted on a

motion from Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

Treasurer’s report was approved on a motion by Jolene and 2nd by Ruthann.

Old business:

Richmond property. Owner was injured at work , progress is being reported but slowly.

The speed limit signs, one is being re-calibrated and the other is to be moved to a better location.

Moyer property. A letter is to be sent to the mortgage company regarding the weeds along with a copy of the ordinance.

69 Main St. Nita has been working on this and has been in contact with the landlord.

79 Main St. There has been some progress made.

A letter is to be sent to 72 Main St and also the Kefauver property regarding weed problems

Another letter is to be sent to the church regarding the abandoned truck.

New business:

Since the Borough is having so many problems with weed problems it was discussed about possibly doing an amendment to the weed ordinance. This has been tabled until the July meeting.

It was mentioned that Danny and Kim Saylor’s granddaughter was in serious condition in hospital and a go fund me page has been started.

Lyn had questions about the noise ordinance in the Borough.

A motion to pay the bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Marv.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

Respectfully submitted Jolene Kirsch


Meeting Minutes – May 2024

JUNE 10, 2024

The May meeting of the Yorkana Borough Council was called to order by President Steve Daugherty at 7:30 pm.

After the pledge to the ag an invocation was given by Juanita Smith.

Members present were Ruthann Palacios, Christine Grosh, Marv Henise, Lyn McElheny, Dave Bardo,

Juanita Smith, and Jolene Kirsch. Absent was Mayor Lloyd McElheny.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

The treasurer’s report was given by Juanita and approved on a motion by Jolene and 2nd by Marv.

Old Business: Juanita sent a certied letter to the Richmond (corrected from Richardson) property.

The letter has not been signed for, apparently Mr. Richmond was hurt at work and the cleanup has

been put on hold for the present time.

The speed limit has been installed and is now solar power.

Moyer property, work is being done on the property.

69 Main street a letter is to be sent to the landlord regarding grass and weeds.

75 Main street, nothing can be done about the Jiffy John because there is no ordinance on the books.

79 Main street, another letter to be sent regarding weed problem.

Juanita is to check with Shred It for information on a one time free service to borough residents.

The bills from Site Designs have been paid by the borough. It was decided that the property at

81 Main street is liable to reimburse the balance of the bill for everything other than our

initial request payable to the Borough.

A letter is to be sent to Christ United Church to have the truck sitting on their property that has at tires

and no inspection to be removed.

New Business: Flags are to be placed on properties in the Borough for Memorial Day.

A motion to pay the bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Christine.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Lynn

Respectfully submitted

Jolene Kirsch


Meeting Minutes – March 2024

Yorkana Borough Minutes

April 8, 2024

The March meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty. After the pledge to the flag an invocation was given by Lyn McElheny. Members present were Ruthann Palacios, Christine Grosh, Marv Henise, Dave Bardo, Lyn McElheny, Steve Daugherty, Juanita Smith and Jolene Kirsch. Mayor Skip McElheny was absent.

The minutes of the February meeting were read and amended as follows: The February invocation was led by Lyn McElheny. Verizon is the company in charge of the downed speed limit sign not the cable company as reported.

The Richardson property was given until March 8th to comply with cleanup not the 3rd as reported. A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Ruthann Palacios and 2nd by Lyn McElheny.

The treasurer’s report was given by Juanita Smith and passed on a motion by Jolene Kirsch and 2nd by Marv Henise.

Old business: Juanita sent another letter to the Richardson property about clean up. Steve talked with the owner, who has made some progress and promised to continue with the work. It was discussed and decided to let the homeowner continue. Marv and Steve with continue to monitor the situation.

Marv reported that Verizon has up to two years to submit a claim on the downed speed limit sign. He will continue to monitor.

 Marv found a lawn mower, an 8×8 shed and a weed eater in the range of $1900 – $1950. Jolene made a motion to purchase which was 2nd by Ruthann.

Dave report the Red Cross needs something in writing by the Council authorizing them(the Red Cross) and the Yorkana Fire Company in conjunction with the Borough Council permission to proceed with the free smoke detector program for borough residents.

The Moyer property at 67 Main St. is in foreclosure for the 2nd time. It was reported by Lyn that the mortgage company now has an agent to handle the property, they will be in charge of keeping the grass mowed, etc. No one is allowed on the property.

A letter was sent to 69 Main St. in regards to a weed problem.

New Business: Juanita had a Liquid Fuels audit, which covered the last five years. Recommendations were made which included: Francis McGee must submit invoices on a monthly basis. No checks can be made out to any council members, all reimbursements must come out of the general fund.

Passwords need to be changed every 3 months.

Marv reported Emergency Management is having financial problems and we may see an increase in quarterly bills. They also have scheduled an active shooter practice for the high school.

The property at 75 Main St. is to receive a letter that the Jiffy John is to be removed and a letter to 79 Main St. to clean up the property and also about the weeds.

Allen Serrin, visited the council meeting and complained about the weeds last year at the Woods property. He will keep us informed if there are any problems this year.

Juanita and Jolene will draw up a newsletter to be sent to Borough residents.

Juanita is also going to check into door hangers to be used if the borough finds there is a problem with a residence before a formal letter would be sent.

Santa will be at the Leber Memorial Hall (old fire company) on December


A motion to pay the bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Dave.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Marv.

Respectfully submitted

Jolene Kirsch

Asst. Secretary


Meeting Minutes – February 2024

Yorkana Borough Minutes

March 11, 2024

The February 12th meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty at 7:30 pm., followed by an invocation from Lyn McElhenny.

Members present were Steve Daugherty, Ruthann Palacios, Marv Henise, Dave Bardo, Lyn McElhenny, Christine Grosh, and Jolene Kirsch. Absent was mayor Lloyd McElhenny.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read and amended to include Christine Grosh being named as Vice President of council, and the problem with the street light was corrected to 65 Main St, not 51 Main St.

The minutes were then passed on motion from Ruthann Palacios and 2nd by Lyn McElhenny.

The treasurer’s report was read and accepted on motion from Jolene Kirsch and 2nd by Ruthann Palacios.

Old business:

State Farm is still waiting on a bill from the cable company in reference to the downed speed limit sign. Marv is to follow up again with a phone call.

Received a letter from C.S. Davidson thanking the Borough for the opportunity to serve the Borough.

The Bulletin board has been received.

The Richmond property (the old school house) was given an extension until the end of January to clean up the property. Some work has been done on the property but not enough. It was decided for Juanita to send another letter to the property owners giving final date of March 3rd.  Members of council are to inspect the property after the deadline and report at next council meeting.

The two properties that had problems with water discharge were discussed. 41 Main Street had a full septic system and a contractor has been hired to handle the problem. 81 Main Street had wash water running into the driveway. They were told the discharge must be re-directed into septic system.

Marv checked into a lawn mower but being as it is the middle of winter this matter was put on hold.

The speed limit sign at the end of town is not working properly and needs re-calibrated. Marv will continue to try to get hold of the manager.

Don Hopple, the station chief at station 38 presented a year-end report to the council. There was a total of 291 call in 2023. The busiest time for calls was Tuesdays and Fridays. Mr. Hopple also approached the council to

discuss the idea of the Red Cross, Station 38 and the Borough council partnering to install smoke detectors in homes in the borough. The Red Cross would go door to door throughout the borough canvasing residents about the need for smoke detectors and to set up a time for the installation into individual homes. There would be no cost to the resident or to the borough.

Juanita advised that she submitted 3 reports to the state in January.

New Business:

Jolene advised that a new Judge of Elections would be needed since she is now on council. Information was given to Christine about the position and she to place information on the website.

67 Main St was discussed. The Codes Enforcement Officer needs to be contacted to learn the procedure to condemn the property. Once this has been done we are to contact the Fire Company. They will then mark the front of the property to make sure that no one enters.

A motion to pay the bills and future bills as the come in was made by Lyn McElhenny and 2nd by Marv Henise.

A motion to adjourn was made by Christine Grosh and 2nd by Ruthann Palacios.

Respectfully submitted

Jolene Kirsch

Asst. Secretary


Meeting Minutes – January 2024


                        February 12, 2024

The January 2, 2024 Borough Council reorganizational meeting

Was held at borough office.

Mayor McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with

Pledge of allegiance and invocation. 

Mayor issued the oath of office to newly elected council, Steve Daugherty, Christine Grosh and David Bardo.

Mayor then opened the nominations for President. Ruthann Palacios made motion to elect Steve for president, Chris Seconded, Motion carried.

Pres, then presided. 

Lyn made motion Marv seconded to appoint Jolene Kirsch to Fill vacancy on council. Mayor issued the oath of office to Jolene. 

Rosalyn McElhenny made motion, Ruthann seconded to Appoint Juanita Smith to Sec/Treas. Position., motion carried.

Following appt. were presented for 2 yrs.

Chris Grosh was appointed as vice president.

 Engineer- C.S.Davidson, CGA Law Firm- attorney,    Law enforcement – State Police

David Sinopoli – Bldg permit officer. SEO- Site Design EMA- Chris Eaton. EYARC reps.- Nita and Skip. YCBA reps- Lyn and Skip. EMA reps- Marv Henise and Lyn. Website-Chris   Lyn made Motion, Marv seconded to accept all appointed, motion carried.

Sec. report for Dec. was submitted, Lyn made motion to accept Motion carried.

Treas. Report was reviewed, Ruthann made motion to accept, Motion carried.

Unfinished business;

– 911 form was signed by Steve and Hopple.

-Speed limit sign, State Farm to pay $5,000.

New Business-

Borough to buy Rotary Mower, up to $500, and Weed Eater. Marv will price a small storage shed.

Mayor and Sec. to purchase outdoor bulletin board, 

st light   workingAt 65 Main St. 

Letter sent to Richmond property, Jan 15. MayorWill check.

Steve to contact SEO about discharge at 2 residents.

Yard sale set for Sept. 6 and 7.

Clean up May 4 and Nov. 2

Dave made motion to pay bills, Chris seconded, carried.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Lyn seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith.

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