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Meeting Minutes for October 3, 2016



NOVEMBER 7, 2016

The October 3, 2016 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main

St. with all members present

President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge and invocation by Lyn

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Chris seconded, Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Marv made motion to accept, Rosalyn seconded, Motion carried

MS4 – will continue to educate residents, with handouts at election and  door hangers.


Appraisal on building, Steve will continue to find an appraiser by Nov. meeting.

Marv installed roof over well pit in back of building, material costs $75.

Solar speed signs – Landfill manager will attend Nov. meeting. Landfill

will maintain software, signs will remain permanent in Borough.

Rosalyn contacted John Klinedinst from C.S.Davidson to inquire as to why

Borough was not informed of waiver for MS4, from the prior engineer rep.


Animal control contracts:  Chris made motion, Ruthann seconded to retain Michelle Klugh as animal enforcement and SPCA as animal retention for 2017.  Motion carried.

SEO OFFICER:  Brad Hengst is retiring; Rosalyn will contact Keith Cumming, to see if he is interested, Brad will work with new person  and  go over Boro status.


Rosalyn made motion to pay bills, Don Seconded,motion carried.

Skip made motion to adjourn, Don seconded.

Next meeting, Nov 7, 2016



Meeting Minutes for September 6, 2016

                                        OCTOBER 3, 2016
The SEPTEMBER 6, 2106, Yorkana Borough Council met at 56 Main st. with all members present.
    President Daugerty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation by LyN.
    Secretary report was submitted:
    Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded. Motion carried.
    Treasurer report: Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded. Motion carried
    ENGINEER REPORT: Lyn made motion to opt into the Development of the York County
                     Regional Reduction Plan, Ruthann seconded.  Motion carried.
    Council decided to do door hangers and set up display at Election to educate residents.
    Steve reported that Brown will do appraisal on 56 Main property next week.
    Marv reported that Landfill will pay for 2 solar speed monitors at a cost of
    $9,720. Manager Rick Brogan will attend a future council meeting.
    Borough will install monitors.
    Don reported that the new Led street lights are visible at Met Ed parking lot
    if anyone wants to see them.
    Nita spoke to Gail Rehman about Rat sightings on her property, she will have
    someone set poison.
    54 Main st. has been cleaned up and is going up for sale.
    Council felt borough should set a burn ban, Mayor will contact 911, Nita
    will inform fire co.
    EYARC merger with other recs will happen in the next 6 months.
    Trick or Treat  was set for Oct. 31, 6-8 P.M.
    Lyn made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded. carried
    Don made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, carried.
    Next meeting Oct. 3

Meeting Minutes for August 1, 2016



The August 1, 2016 Yorkana Borough Council met at 56 Main St.

Members present: Steve Daugherty, Lyn McElhenny, Chris Grosh, Don Daugherty,

Lloyd McElhenny, Ruthann and Bob Palacios, Absent Marv Henise.

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30P.M. with Pledge and invocation by Lyn.

Sec. report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded, carried.

Treas. report: Chris made motion to accept, Don seconded. motion carried.

Engineer report: Chris Kraft reported on an education outreach program, all reports up to date.  Possibility that MS4 for the borough may be waived based on population, waiver criteria is being reviewed by the state.

Consortium is still in effect.

Dep may do an audit on MS4.

Chris suggested we do door hangers again, he will supply us with new ones.


TV was removed from church property sidewalk

Steve will have Brown do appraisal on 56 Main for the Borough.

Don and Marv are to meet with landfill on speed monitors.

Don is checking about street light led lights.


stones on Klein and Venable driveway entrances need to be removed, Nita will inform owners.

Farmer mowed weeds on Fry sidewalk property.

Lyn reported as of Oct. 1, car registrations will go up $5.00.

Nita purchased vacum cleaner & clock for new building.

Lyn made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded. motion carried.

Chris made motion to adjourn, Skip seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.


Meeting Minutes for July 5, 2016


AUGUST 1, 2016

The July 5,2016 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main St. With following          members present: Marv Henise, Rosalyn and Lloyd Mcelhenny, Christine Grosh, Ruthann Palacios.

V.P. Marv Henise opened the meeting at 7:30 pm with Pledge of Allegiance.

Rosalyn offered the invocation.

SECRETARY REPORT was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Chris

seconded, Motion Carried.

Treasurer’s report:  Chris made motion to accept, Rosalyn seconded,

Motion Carried.

ENGINEER REPORT: Yorkana may qualify for a waiver for MS4 regulations.

Old Business: Lynn reported that no funds are available for consortium

according to Pam Shellenberger, YCPC.

Hollabaugh property was mowed and Hollabaugh stated he is

planning improvements to his property.

Discussion on appraisal for Wilkin house, Council felt we

should do an earlier appraisal.

NEW BUSINESS:  Skip suggested we look into Met Ed and see if they could

install LEd bulbs in street lights.

Complaint about TV sitting on sidewalk at Christ UM property

sidewalk. We will contact church.

A letter from Robert Strickler, solicitor, informing us of

his joing the CGA Law Firm, along with Peter Solymos and

Charles Calkins. Skip made a motion and Ruthan Seconded

to continue our retention of Strickler, V.P. Henise signed

the authorization form.  Motion carried.

Rosalyn made motion to pay bills, Chris seconded. Motion carried.

Next meeting August 1, 2016

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, motion carried.


Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.


Meeting Minutes for June 7, 2016

Yorkana Borough Minutes

July 5, 2016

The June 7, 2016 meeting of Yorkana Borough council was held at  56 main st.
with all members present.

Pres. Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge of Allegiance and
invocation by Rosalyn.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded.

Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was submitted: Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded.
motion carried.

Nothing new from Engineer.

Unfinished business:  Steve explained agreement with John Wilkin to rent
house on 56 Main for office space and mtg room.

$650 a month with a $250 month credit off of sale
price in Jan. Plus $350 security deposit to be
returned at sale time.

Brown appraisers will do appraisal for $400,
Council decided to have it done in OCt. or NOv.

Nita checked with BB&T bank, they will work with
us so we do not have to pay closing costs.

Ruthann made motion, Don seconded to pay Marv
$100 a month to mow lawn.

Clifford Snell covered his abandoned vehicle with
full car cover.

New Business:  Hollabaugh property high grass, Nita will send certified

Lyn and Don attended Consortium meeting, Lyn will check
to see if pipe repair could be paid by them.

Nita reported that County will no longer print boro per capita
tax bills for school and boro.   YATB is considered doing the

EYARC Carnival will be held June 11 at E.P. ball field.

Lyn made motion to pay bills, Don seconded, carried.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, motion carried.
Next meeting July 5.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith


Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2016

MAY 2, 2016

The April 4, 2016 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at the fire hall

with all members present.

President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary report was submitted:  Ruthann made motion to accept, Lloyd seconded.
Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was reviewed: Lyn made motion to accept, Don seconded.
Motion carried.

Lindsey Gerner was present from York Co. Planning Commission to update council
on future of Regional Stormwater Solutions. Workshops available.

Engineer report was shared.

Unfinished Business: Marv bought signs and accessiories, he and Don will install

All Banners are up.

New Business: Marv will invite new landfill manager to a council meeting.

Audit was reviewed.

Burn Ban is in effect in Boro.

EYARC – Easter egg hunt was well attended with 100 plus.

Primary Election is April 26

Chris made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded. Motion Carried.

Next meeting May 2

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Marv seconded. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted. Juanita Smith, Sec.


Meeting Minutes for December 7, 2015

JANUARY  4, 2016

The December 7, 2015 Borough Council meeting was held at the fire hall with following members present:            Jennifer, Rosalyn, Christine, Ruthann, Don. Absent: Marvin, Bob, & Steve
President McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30P.M. with Pledge and invocation.
Secretary report was submitted. Ruthann made motion to accept, Jennifer seconded.  Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Chris made motion to accept, Don seconded, motion carried.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Banners, Creative Cabinetry has started to install new banners.
Signs – 6 Speed limit signs will be replaced in 2016.
Budget – proposed budget of $36,500 was advertised with real estate millage remaining At .250 mills and $5 percapita,  $5 occupation and $10 Special .  Ruthann made motion to adopt the budget for 2016, Jennifer seconded. Motion carried.
NEW BUSINESS: Comcast fees are increasing.
EYCEMA – Marv and Lyn attended meeting.  Phil Smith will receive $500 increase.
NIMS training will be held at York Co. 911 Center  . Feb.6 – 9-12 A.M.
York Co. Consortium Regional  meeting will be held Feb. 24, 2016. Don and Lyn attended Nov. meeting.
Joann Shovlin from Stan Saylors ‘ office will be retiring, will send card.
Nita invited anyone in Borough to go Christmas Carolling Dec.24 at 12:00 noon.
Nita also requested that Borough start thinking about looking for office space for the future, possibly buying  or renting space in the Borough,
Council meeting dates were set for 2016, Jan.4, Feb.1, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 2, June 6, July 5, Aug. 1, Sept. 6, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec. 5.

EYCEMA MEETINGS.  Feb. 10, May 11, Aug. 10, and Nov. 7.  Sec. will adv. All dates.
Road Fund Audit  for 2013 and 2014 was done.
Council Thanked Jennifer Fahringer for her service on Council.
Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Don seconded. Motion carried
Jen made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded. Motion carried.
Next meeting, Reorganizational meeting will be Jan. 4, 2016
Respectfully Submitted, Juanita Smith


Meeting Minutes for November 1, 2015

DECEMBER 7, 2015

The November  1, 2015 Borough Council meeting was held at the Fire Hall with following members present, Lyn, Marv, Jennifer, Chris, Steve , Ruthann.  Absent: Don and Bob
Vice President Henise opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge of allegiance.
Secretary Report was submitted:  Steve made motion to accept, Jen seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Ruthann made motion to accept, Chris seconded.  Motion carried.
Unfinished business:  Steve inspected all drains.
Banners – Mark Pederson paid $2,580 for the Banners.
Marv will check Banner co. to see if he received  payment.
Marv stated Borough is responsible for buying speed limit signs for 35 mile and under.  We will need 6 new signs.
New Business:
Annual  York Co. Boro association dinner will be at Great American Saloon in Nov.
The Budget was prepared and reviewed for 2016.  Steve made motion and Ruthann seconded to keep proposed budget of $36,500 with no tax increase.  Real Estate remains at .250 mills. Per Capita at $20. Motion carried.   Secretary will advertise proposed budget  to be adopted on Dec. 7.
EYARC – Fall festival at Steam a Rama, was a great success with 70 card loads, approximately 200 people attended.
Nita will put handouts for Storm Water Management on display at Election.
Marv made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.
Jen made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, motion carried.
Next meeting, Dec. 7.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita  Smith


Meetings Minutes for August 3, 2015

SEPT. 8, 2015

The August 3, 2015 Borough council meeting was held at the fire hall with
following members present. Mayor Palacios, Ruthann, Christine, Rosalyn,
Steve, Don and Marv.
Absent: Jennifer

President Mcelhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 with Pledge and invocation.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Christine
seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded, carried.

No Engineer report.

Unfinished business: MS4 nothing new to report, have not received copy yet.

Michael Mcelhenny cannot finish painting curbs due to work schedule.
Roxanne Poff said she may have someone.

Banners, Marv will get price and then approach landfill.

Nims Training – no one has completed theirs yet.

Brad Hengst denied the design for the septic system for Mcelhenny property.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussion on changing ordinace concerning cars.

NIta will be attending Tax Collector seminar for credits.

EYARC: Roxanne Poff(director) was present to explain the merger of rec
orgainizations. We are applying for a $10,000 grant, if all
municipalities participate, the fee for application will be from
$160-$200 per municipality. At this time, Lower Windsor, Hellam twp.,
Hallam Boro, are participates.
Steve made a motion, Ruthann seconded to have Yorkana Boro join the
grant application for $200, Motion carried.

Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Steve seconded, motion carried.

Steve made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, motion carried.

next meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 8

Respectfully Submitted, Ruthann Palacios, Asst. secretary


Meeting Minutes, July 2015

AUGUST 3, 2015

The July 6, 2015 Borough council met at the Yorkana Fire Hall

Members Present: Jennifer Fahringer, Christine Grosh, Marvin Henise
Rosalyn McElhenny, Ruthann Palacios.

Members Absent: Bob Palacios, Steve Daugherty, Don Daugherty.

Pres. McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge of
allegiance and invocation.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Jen
seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Jennifer made motion to accept Marv seconded.
Motion carried.

Engineer report: MS4 annual report was sent. Copy to go to Steve.

No action from fire co. for land development.

Unfinished Business: Michael McElhenny started painting curbs, has
8 hours of time in. Will finish soon. More
yellow paint was purchased.

Banners: Marv will get estimate and Lyn will
contact Mark Pederson to set up a meeting with
Lyn and Marv to present estimate.

SEO- McElhenny property – design system was done.

New Business: Nims training, all council should take it, ICS -100 & 700
can be taken online –

EYARC – Past director Tim Smith pleaded guilty to felony charges. He
has 5 years to pay back Rec commission, and is on 5 yr. pro-
bation. Felony charge will stay on his record.

Tax collector – School bills and Per capita were mailed July 1.

Chris made motion to pay bills, Jennifer seconded, motion carried.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Jennifer seconded. motion carried.

Next meeting, August 3, 2015

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, secretary


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