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Meeting Minutes June, 2015

Yorkana Borough Minutes
July 6, 2015
The June 1, 2015, Borough council meeting was held at the fire hall
with following members present:
Rosalyn, Marv, Steve, Chris, Ruthann, Don.
Absent: Jennifer and Bob.
President McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Marv
seconded, Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Chris made motion to accept, Steve seconded.
Motion carried.

Engineer report: 2013-2014 annual report is due to DEP by June 29
Unfinished Business:

Curb painting: Council decided that Michael McElhenny had 2 weeks
to complete or they will get someone else to do.

Flags for Memorial Day were purchased and distributed.

Banners- Marv will do.


New Business:

EMA – nothing new to report.

EYARC – summer camp will be held at Kreutz Creek Elementary school.

Marv made motion to pay bills, Don seconded. motion carried.

Steve made motion to adjourn, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting July 6
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Secretary



Meeting Minutes May, 2015

Yorkana Borough minutes
June 1, 2015
The May 2, 2015 meeting of Yorkana Borough Council was held
at the fire hall with following members present:
Marv, Chris, Don, Ruthann, Steve and Rosalyn
Absent: Jennifer and Bob

Vice President Henise opened the meeting at 7:30 PM with Pledge.

Secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to accept,
Don seconded.  Motion Carried.

Engineer report – Intersection at Frys avenue was completed.
Unfinished Business:

Marv to do. Banners

Curb painting- Paint was purchased, Michael McElhenny will paint
doing his community service, no cost to borough.
New Business:

Nita will purchase flags for Memorial Day.

Emergency Management meeting – Marv and Lynn will attend.

Sewage enforcement – Brad Hengst reported, Venable property enforcing fine.

McElhenny property is being taken care of.


Rosalyn made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded. motion carried.


Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded. Motion carried.



Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.


Some Reminders:


Sidewalks must be shoveled within 24 hours after the snowfall.

Abandoned cars are not to be kept on your property.

Obey rules for open burning.

See our section on ordinances for more information.  If you do not see the ordinance listed, it will be added soon.



Meeting Minutes for April, 2015

May 4, 2015

The April 6, 2015 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at the fire hall with all members present.

Pres. McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation.

Secretary report:  Ruthann made motion to accept, Jennifer seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Steve made motion to accept, Don seconded. Motion carried.

Engineer Report:         All drain inspections done, Steve will check outfalls.
Review of PEOP, will carry same plan from 2014 to 2015,

Fire Co. intersection started, Penn Dot will oversee.

Unfinished Business:
Banners, Marv to contact Jerry at Creative cabinetry.
CPA – Did 2013 and 2014 audit.

New Business:

Nita met with Kochman Insurance to renew Workmen’s Com and Borough insurance.

Nita met with Fulton Bank to renew C.D., Marv’s name will go on signature list.

Curb and fire hydrant painting, Michael McElhenny will paint, needs hours for community service.    Rosalyn will monitor.

EYARC needs municipality signature to acquire small games of chance certificate. Steve made motion, Ruthann seconded. Motion carried.

Lyn informed council that their rental property, septic system will be repair

Chris made motion to pay bills, Jennifer seconded, motion carried

Jen made motion to adjourn, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting June 1, 2015

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith




Meetings Minutes for March, 2015

MARCH 2,2015
The February 2, 2015 Borough Council meeting was held at the fire hall with all members present.

Vice President Henise opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary’s report was submitted: Jennifer made motion to accept, Steve seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Don seconded. Motion carried.


     Engineer report:

Door Hangers were received from C.S. Davidson.
Kickoff meeting was held for the C.B.P. 1/26/15.
No changes from fire co.
Sec. stated a conference on storm water will be held in Leola, 3/19-8:30-3:30
      Unfinished Business:
Door Hangers were separated and each council member will get help from residents to hang.

Nita will send onlot sewer information, with taxes.

Marv and Don will check on stop signs to see if reflective.

New Business:

Fire Co. issued fund raiser list for 2015: 50/50’s, 3 Bluegrass concerts,
yard sale(food and stands), Mother’ day dinner, Car Show, Open House,
Halloween Party, and numerous catering events, grocery bingo, winterfest.
Breakfast with Santa and Santa visits.
Chris made motion to approve all events, Ruthann seconded. motion carried.

Discussion on Brad Hengst doing Seo reimbursement reports, Jen made motion,
Steve seconded to not do them, as there is not money available in Harrisburg.

Chris continues to update website.
EMA- no report.

Nita asked for General Fund to be audited as not been done for a long time.
Steve made motion, Jen seconded. Will contact Michael Atland CPA on Bluestone rd.
for estimate. Motion carried.

Complaint of Larry Klein Sidewalks not being cleared of snow. will send notice to him.

Lyn has tickets for appreciation dinner at the fire hall in March. @ 6 P.M.

Nita stated that we need to appoint a deputy tax collector, municipalities are
mandated. Lyn made Motion Don seconded to appoint Chris Grosh. Chris accepted,
motion carried. Also Tax Collectors must now take on line courses and acquire
6 credits annually. Deputies do not. Chris will go on tax collector account at bank.
2014 real estate delinquent taxes were filed with Tax Claim. Nita 0 out with county
for 2014 Real Estate taxes.
Jen made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded. motion carried.

Next meeting, March 2.

Don made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded.  Motion Carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Juanita Smith, sec.


Meeting Minutes for February, 2015

MARCH 2,2015
The February 2, 2015 Borough Council meeting was held at the fire hall with all members present.

Vice President Henise opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary’s report was submitted: Jennifer made motion to accept, Steve seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Don seconded. Motion carried.

     Engineer report:

Door Hangers were received from C.S. Davidson.
Kickoff meeting was held for the C.B.P. 1/26/15.
No changes from fire co.
Sec. stated a conference on storm water will be held in Leola, 3/19-8:30-3:30
      Unfinished Business:
Door Hangers were separated and each council member will get help from residents to hang.

Nita will send onlot sewer information, with taxes.

Marv and Don will check on stop signs to see if reflective.

New Business:

Fire Co. issued fund raiser list for 2015: 50/50’s, 3 Bluegrass concerts,
yard sale(food and stands), Mother’ day dinner, Car Show, Open House,
Halloween Party, and numerous catering events, grocery bingo, winterfest.
Breakfast with Santa and Santa visits.
Chris made motion to approve all events, Ruthann seconded. motion carried.

Discussion on Brad Hengst doing Seo reimbursement reports, Jen made motion,
Steve seconded to not do them, as there is not money available in Harrisburg.

Chris continues to update website.
EMA- no report.

Nita asked for General Fund to be audited as not been done for a long time.
Steve made motion, Jen seconded. Will contact Michael Atland CPA on Bluestone rd.
for estimate. Motion carried.

Complaint of Larry Klein Sidewalks not being cleared of snow. will send notice to him.

Lyn has tickets for appreciation dinner at the fire hall in March. @ 6 P.M.

Nita stated that we need to appoint a deputy tax collector, municipalities are
mandated. Lyn made Motion Don seconded to appoint Chris Grosh. Chris accepted,
motion carried. Also Tax Collectors must now take on line courses and acquire
6 credits annually. Deputies do not. Chris will go on tax collector account at bank.
2014 real estate delinquent taxes were filed with Tax Claim. Nita 0 out with county
for 2014 Real Estate taxes.
Jen made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded. motion carried.

Next meeting, March 2.

Don made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded.  Motion Carried.


Respectfully Submitted,

Juanita Smith, sec.


Meeting Minutes January 2015

FEBRUARY 2, 2015
The January 5, 2015 Yorkana Borough Council was held at the fire Hall, with all members present.

Pres. McElhenny opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with pledge & invocation.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Christine seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded. carried.

Engineer report: Penn Dot approved fire co. to widen Fry’s ave. entrance.
Borough will need to sign and notarize recording copy.
Fire co. has paperwork.
Fire Co. has not yet applied for a land development plan.

MS4 reminder for door hangers, residents should help to distribute.

Unfinished business: Intergovernmental Cooperation for the Chesapeake Bay Reduction Plan Ordinance was advertised.
Steve made motion to adopt, Ruthann seconded. Motion carried.

Marv will have banners redone in the Spring, will talk with Landfill about helping to pay.

New Business: Yard sale – May 2
Spring Cleanup – May 6

Suggestion that a link be put on Website for public to  issue complaints or comments, Chris will check.

EYARC – Breakfast with Santa had approximately 225 participants.

Christmas caroling Christmas eve, day was cancelled due to rain.

Tax Collector will be filing delinquent Real Estate taxes in Jan.

Jennifer made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded, motion carried.

Next meeting, Feb. 2, 2015

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Steve seconded, motion carried

Respectfully submitted,


Juanita Smith, sec.

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