January 2, 2024
The December 4, 2023 borough council meeting was held at borough building.
Pres. Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with pledge and invocation by Chris Kraft
With following members present. Chris Grosh, Marv Henise, Rosalyn McElhenny, Ruthann Palacios, Mayor Skip Absent, Don Daugherty,
Patrons: Dave Bardo
Sec, report was submitted. Ruthann made motion to accept Lyn seconded motion carried
Treas. Report was reviewed, Lyn made motion to accept, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.
Unfinished business. —speed sign, State Farm will pay $5,000, amt left is $725, also other sign not working
Steve to sign 911 form for Hopple. Lyn reported volunteer firemen can take a tax credit.
Lyn made a motion to adopt 2024 budget of $52,000 and real estate millage of .250 and a per capita of $20. Chris seconded. Motion carried.
David Bardo elected to council to fill a vacancy.
Jolene Kirsch is interested in being on council.
New business.
Council approved buying of a rotary mower for bldg.
Sec. to check borough codes on salary increases. And sec/treas. Appt.
Don Daugherty submitted his resignation, council regretfully accepts.
Council voted to change council meetings to 2nd Monday of month
Following 2024 meeting dates –Jan. 2, Feb. 12, Mar. 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8,
Aug. 12, Sept. 9, Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Dec. 9
Lyn made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded, motion carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Lyn seconded, motion carried
Jan. 2nd reorganization, meeting
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.