The October 4, 2021 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at the borough building. President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation by Lyn following members present: Chris Grosh, Marv Henise, Don Daugherty, Ruthann Palacios, Al Sadek, Lyn McElhenny, Mayor Lloyd McElhenny.
Patron- Dave Kefauver
Secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to accept, Marv seconded, added Christ U.M. church as correction. Motion carried.
Treasurer report-was reviewed, Lyn made motion to accept, Al seconded, Motion carried.
Dave Kefauver explained that build up of sediment from rain water has been eroding The back of his property, engineer Chris Kraft suggested he contact Penn Dot and Conservation district.
Unfinished business:
Sidewalk, Steve will drop off quotes to Republic Services
Borough sign is finished, Marv will check on phone plaque.
Hollabaugh, waiting on pictures
Mayor purchased 1 smoke detector.and dehumidifier Al purchased 2 fire extinquishers
Frys ave. , Steve will contact Woods for repair.
Street light was repaired.
Marv purchased Memorial plaques.
Fall clean up and election are Nov. 2,
New business:
Trick or Treat was set for Oct. 30.+
Marv made motion, Lyn seconded to donate $2000 to fire co, Motion carried.
Al will create Agenda form,
Lyn made motion to pay bills, Al seconded, motion carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, motion carried,
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.