Yorkana Borough Minutes
December 6, 2021
The November 1, 2021, Yorkana borough council meeting was held at borough office with all members
Pres. Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 with pledge and invocation by Lyn McElhenny.
Patron, Lisa Daugherty was present
Sec. report was submitted. Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Lyn seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed; Al Sadek made motion to accept, Marv Henise, seconded with correction, Where Cooper Moyer was paid $40, not $100 as reported, motion carried.
Engineer reported that stormwater plan for Christ U.M. church was recorded at court house.
Unfinished business; Steve and Marv will check with Republic services on sidewalk project.
Steve will check on phone # being added to the borough office sign
Waiting on pictures on Hollabaugh property.
Don Daugherty will replace electric box in building.
STEVE to check with Woods on pot holes on FRYs’ Ave.
Ruthann made motion to renew 2022 contract with S.P.C.A. Don seconded motion carried
Lyn made motion, Marv seconded to renew contract with Klugh services for 2022. Motion carried.
Chris made motion, Ruthann seconded to adopt proposed budget for 2022 of $52,000 motion carried
Council meeting Dates for 2022 were set. Jan.3, Feb. 7, Mar.7, Apr. 4, May 2, June 6, July 11, Aug. 1,
Sept. 6, Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Dec.5.
Marv said, there are 2 dead trees on borough property that should be removed. Will contact Smeltzer for estimate.
Council exempted bldg.. from septic pumping, due to minimal use of the building.
Lyn made motion to pay bills, Al seconded, motion carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.