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Meeting Minutes March 5, 2018

Yorkana  Borough Council Minutes

                            April 2, 2018

The March 5, 2018  Borough Council Meeting was held at the borough office

With all members present except Christine Grosh

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation

By Rosalyn

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Lyn

McElhenny seconded , Motion carried.

Treasurer report was reviewed: Rosalyn made motion to accept, Marv Henise

Seconded, Motion carried.

Engineer Chris Kraft reported, that MS4 waiver is for 2018-2023, we still must

Complete annual report for 2017

Unfinished Business:

Resident Blade Kline was present to indicate he was interested on filling vacancy

Spot on council.  After council interviewed him, Steve Daugherty made motion to

Appoint him to finish out vacant term, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.

New Business:

EMA update: Marv reported that Medic 102 will respond to borough emergencies.

Ruthann made motion, Blade seconded to authorize Mayor to declare a State of

Emergency for borough at any time if necessary,  Motion carried.

Rich and Pat Hildebrand issued a complaint of numerous cats roaming the neighborhood,

Mayor will inform them they need to trap them and call animal enforcement officer.

Nita reported Venable sewer issue to SEO for inspection

Don Daugherty made motion to pay bills, Rosalyn seconded, motion carried.

Don made motion to adjourn, Ruthann seconded, carried

Next meeting April 2, 2018,

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith., Sec


Meeting Minutes February 5, 2018

Yorkana Borough Minutes

                                                       March 5, 2018

The Feb. 5,2018 Yorkana  Borough Council meeting was held at Borough office.

Following members present: Marv Henise, Don Daugherty, Chris Grosh,

Ruthann  Palacios, Lyn McElhenny, Mayor Skip McElhenny.

Absent: Steve Daugherty

Vice President opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with pledge and invocation by  Lyn.

Charley Hose III from fire co. asked  to approve a user agreement for a CAD WEB VIEW

From Dept. of Emergency services. Lyn made motion, Ruthann seconded. Motion carried.

Phil Smith, EMA coordinator was present to update council on Susquehanna ice jam, flooding,

Held Eastern Safety Meetings, and Active Shooter Training.

Lieutenant Trooper Palmer from State Police was present to give status report for 2017

There were 2 crashes, 3 burglaries, suggested we encourage residents to lock cars, sheds etc.

And have residents call them at 717-428-1011.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Don seconded, carried.

Treasurer report was reviewed: Lyn made motion to accept, Chris seconded, carried.

Unfinished Business:   taxes were filed with tax claim, 4 properties were on list.

Ms4 Waiver was approved.

Mae Jean Emenheiser house was abandoned by her sons, nothing can be done by boro

Unless taxes go delinquent and it goes for sheriff sale.

New Business: 2018 Taxes will be sent with newsletter on Feb. 15, and education flyer.

Council approved 2018 fund raiser events list for fire co.

Fire co. appreciation dinner invitation, skip, lyn, Ruthann, nita and kent will attend.

Spring Cleanup is May 2,  Community Yard Sale is May 4th and 5th.

Don made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded, carried.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.


Electronics Recycling

For information on electronics recycling, please visit this website:


Meeting Minutes, January 2, 2018

Yorkana Borough Council Minutes :

                                                February  5, 2018

The January 2, 2018 reorganizational meeting of Yorkana Borough Council was held

At Borough office.

Mayor Lloyd  McElhenny o pened the meeting at 7: 30 P.M. He issued the oath of office

To newly elected members, Ruthann Palacios, Marv Henise and Don Daugherty.

Mayor Lloyd Mcelhenny and Rossalyn McElhenny were previously sworn in

by notary.  Mayor opened the floor for nomination

Of President, Ruthann made motion to nominate Steve Daugherty , Marv seconded,

Motion carried.

President Daugherty then asked for nominations for V.P., Rosalyn nominated Marv,

Don seconded, motion carried.

Rosalyn made motion to appoint Juanita Smith as Sec/Treas. And Ruthann as her asst.

Motion carried

Chris Grosh made a motion and Marv Henise seconded to appoint the following :

Solicitor; CGA Professional center, Robert Strickler.

State Police

Zoning officer – David Sinopoli

Zoning enforcement – Code Administrators

Engineer – C.S. Davidson Inc  – Chris Kraft

Animal Control officer – Michelle Klugh

Animal Housing – SPCA-

Sewage Enforcement office– Keith Hunnings

Emergency Management – Phil Smith.  Boro reps  Rosalyn and Marv-

Eastern York Recreation Commission -Director,Roxanne Poff,  boro reps-   Lloyd and Nita  –

MS4- Steve Daugherty

Website – Christine Grosh

Snow Removal – -Francis  McGee

Mowing/Maintenace – Marv and Don

Garbage haulers – Republic Services

Zoning Hearing Board: Richard Hildebrand, Vance Fuller, Wendy Deardorff

Tax Collector – Juanita Smith

Motion carried.

President Daugherty led the Pledge of Allegiance, invocation by Rosalyn.

Secretary report was submitted, Chris Grosh made motion to accept, Marv

Henise seconded, Motion carried

Treasurer report was reviewed; Rosalyn made motion to accept, Don seconded

Motion carried.

Unfinished  Business:

Dettinger property pipe repair, marv and Don will repair when weather allows.

Ms4 plan submitted , deadline March 31,2018

Should hear about waiver soon

Meeting dates for 2018 were publishd.

New   Busomess;

Marv and Don will replace storm door on Blldg, weather permitting

Council gave Nita permission to purchase new laptop up tp $500

Concerns about Mae Jeam Emeheiser house being abandoned by her family

Nita will check on procedures.

Don Daugherty made motion to pay bills, Rosalun seconded, carried.


Meeting Minutes, November 6, 2017

                              December4, 2017
   The November 6, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main st.
   with all members present.
   President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with pledge and
   invocation by Lyn.
   secretary reported was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Marv
                                     seconded. Motion carried.
   Treasurers’ report was reviewed: Lyn made motion to accept, Skip seconded
                                    Motion carried.
   Engineer report: Valley Project was not on Block grant list, could be on
                    new list.
   Unfinished business: Hollabaugh hearing, he was warned if no incident
                        within the next 90 days, if he does will be arrested.
   Lyn reported on EMA meeting, need a special needs list of residents.
   Marv reported on Dettinger property pipe repair, waiting on landfill.
   New Business: Budget was prepared for 2018, Skip made motion, Ruthann
                 seconded to adopt a proposed budget of $30,000. Motion
                 carried. Sec. will advertise., for final adoption at
                 December 4, meeting.Real Estate tax will remain at .250 mills.
                 Per capita remains at $20
                 Lyn made motion, Don seconded to renew contract with
                 SPCA for 2018 at a fee of $115. motion carried.
                 Nita will attend information meeting at Donsco, with
                 Planning commission concerning intergovernment land
                 comprehension plan.
   Lyn made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, carried
   Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, carried.
   Next meeting Dec. 4, 2017
   respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, SEc.

Trash Receptacle

If you are in need of a new trash receptacle, you may get one by contacting Andy Warntz, Republic Services, at 717-779-2546.


Meeting Minutes – September 5, 2017

oCTOBER 2, 2017

The Sept. 5, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at Boro
building with all members present.
Pres. Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge and invocation.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept,
Skip seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Skip made motion to accept, Marv seconded,carried.

MS4- Marv made motion, Lyn seconded to join county
municipal agreement.carried.

Ruthann made motion, Don seconded to sign waiver
application at a fee of $500. motion carried.

Unfinished Business:
Don removed broken sign on Main st.
Marv and Don will install new post & no parking sign.

Tree will be removed on Boro property this fall.

Christ U.M. church will get permit for new sign.

Hollabaugh hearing, Skip attended, Hollabaugh was
cited with a $600 fine.

New Business: EMA, Lyn reported Phil Smith was dealing with evacuation
plan with school principals.

EYARC – Budget was being prepared for review and adoption.

Trick or Treat night was set for Oct. 31, 6-8 P.m.

Skip made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded. carried.
Next meeting Oct. 2
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Marv seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.


Meeting Minutes – August 7, 2017


The August 7,2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at Borough
building with all Members present

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:35pm with pledge and invocation

by Rosalyn.

secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to accept, Marv seconded
Motion carried.

Treasurer report was reviewed: Rosalyn made motion to accept, Don Seconded.
Motion carried.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Dettinger property, Marv stated Landfill will help with
pipe repair. will wait for utilities sto mark

Nita said telephone line was removed from McElroy property

Damaged sign, Penn Dot said the post is boroughs responsibilty to remove.

New Business: Council will have to decide whether to stay with Comcast
contract for Borough or open it up for other companies.

Marv said Rod Weitkamp and Ernie Rider will remove oak tree on Borough
building property.

Steve reported that Christ UM Church will be putting up a new lighted sign.

complaint of sofa sitting in front yard of Laundenslager property, Nita
will contact them to remove.

Marv and rosalyn will attend Emergency management meeting.

Skip and Nita reported on Eyarc progress.

marv made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, carried

Next meeting Sept. 5 2017

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded. carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.


Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2017

AUGUST 7, 2017

The July 10, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council Meeting was held at the
Borough building with all members present but Chris Grosh.

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with Pledge
and invocation by Lyn.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept,
Lyn seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer report: Marv made motion to accept, Skip seconded.
Motion carried.

Engineer report: Valley view project application was submitted.

Unfinished business: Marv has talked with Rod Weitkamp about
helping to repair pipe on Dettinger property.

New sign should be installed next week.

Hollabaugh resident again threatened Sowers family members, police
were called, he was fined $350 for disorderly conduct.
Also he has taken down his chimney and is working on his house.

New Business: Nita reported of attempted car breakin at Kefauver
property, car alarm scared them away, 2 young men
were seen leaving property, State Police were

Nita reported to verizon that phone lines were
down on sidewalk at 72 Main st.

Wendy Kirsch contacted Marv, she is interested
in selling any future signs to Borough.

Lyn will contact Penn Dot about sign down.

EYARC – Carnival in East Prospect was well attended, after all
bills paid, they profitied $700. Summer camp is
being held at MIddle School and East Prospect hall on

Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded. carried.

Next meeting August 7

Lyn made motion to adjourn, Don seconded carried

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith,


Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2017

JULY 10, 2017

The June 5, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held
at Borough office with all members present.

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 with pledge
and invocation by Christine.

Patron Thomas Hollabaugh was present to give council an
update on his house renovation. After listening to
Hollabaugh complain about other residents issues,
Council informed him that they were not his concerns but

State Police officer was present.

After excusing Hollabaugh, council inquired from officer
as how to handle situation. Anyone that is threatened
needs to call Police immediately and if possible take
pictures, Police will monitor council meetings and
respond to any further incidents.

Secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to
accept Lyn seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was reviewed, Marv made motion to
accept, Don seconded, motion carried.

Engineer report: Chris Kraft stated that 11 municipal-
ities are on the waiver list for MS4, applications due
by end of August at a fee of $500.
Chris stated we should label our drains.

Valley View curb project, Don made motion Ruthann
seconded to pass a resolution 1-17, to include engineer
fees in grant application amount. carried.

Unfinished business: Borough sign will be ready in 2
Council decided to table Mayor memorial sign until
New Business: Lyn made motion, Ruthann seconded to
pass resolution 2-17 for old paperwork
to be shredded. motion carried.

Dettinger property, Council will have pipe repaired.
Marv will talk to landfill to see if they can supply
equipment to do so.
Sec. will send letter to fire co., asking for pictures.

Chris made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, carried.
EYARC hold their 2nd carnival at East Prospect ball
field, June 11. with fireworks
Next meeting July 10
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Skip seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.

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