Yorkana Borough Council Minutes
April 2, 2018
The March 5, 2018 Borough Council Meeting was held at the borough office
With all members present except Christine Grosh
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation
By Rosalyn
Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Lyn
McElhenny seconded , Motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed: Rosalyn made motion to accept, Marv Henise
Seconded, Motion carried.
Engineer Chris Kraft reported, that MS4 waiver is for 2018-2023, we still must
Complete annual report for 2017
Unfinished Business:
Resident Blade Kline was present to indicate he was interested on filling vacancy
Spot on council. After council interviewed him, Steve Daugherty made motion to
Appoint him to finish out vacant term, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.
New Business:
EMA update: Marv reported that Medic 102 will respond to borough emergencies.
Ruthann made motion, Blade seconded to authorize Mayor to declare a State of
Emergency for borough at any time if necessary, Motion carried.
Rich and Pat Hildebrand issued a complaint of numerous cats roaming the neighborhood,
Mayor will inform them they need to trap them and call animal enforcement officer.
Nita reported Venable sewer issue to SEO for inspection
Don Daugherty made motion to pay bills, Rosalyn seconded, motion carried.
Don made motion to adjourn, Ruthann seconded, carried
Next meeting April 2, 2018,
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith., Sec