DECEMBER 7, 2015
The November 1, 2015 Borough Council meeting was held at the Fire Hall with following members present, Lyn, Marv, Jennifer, Chris, Steve , Ruthann. Absent: Don and Bob
Vice President Henise opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge of allegiance.
Secretary Report was submitted: Steve made motion to accept, Jen seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Ruthann made motion to accept, Chris seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished business: Steve inspected all drains.
Banners – Mark Pederson paid $2,580 for the Banners.
Marv will check Banner co. to see if he received payment.
Marv stated Borough is responsible for buying speed limit signs for 35 mile and under. We will need 6 new signs.
New Business:
Annual York Co. Boro association dinner will be at Great American Saloon in Nov.
The Budget was prepared and reviewed for 2016. Steve made motion and Ruthann seconded to keep proposed budget of $36,500 with no tax increase. Real Estate remains at .250 mills. Per Capita at $20. Motion carried. Secretary will advertise proposed budget to be adopted on Dec. 7.
EYARC – Fall festival at Steam a Rama, was a great success with 70 card loads, approximately 200 people attended.
Nita will put handouts for Storm Water Management on display at Election.
Marv made motion to pay bills, Ruthann seconded, motion carried.
Jen made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, motion carried.
Next meeting, Dec. 7.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith