Yorkana Borough Council Minutes :
The January 2, 2018 reorganizational meeting of Yorkana Borough Council was held
At Borough office.
Mayor Lloyd McElhenny o pened the meeting at 7: 30 P.M. He issued the oath of office
To newly elected members, Ruthann Palacios, Marv Henise and Don Daugherty.
Mayor Lloyd Mcelhenny and Rossalyn McElhenny were previously sworn in
by notary. Mayor opened the floor for nomination
Of President, Ruthann made motion to nominate Steve Daugherty , Marv seconded,
Motion carried.
President Daugherty then asked for nominations for V.P., Rosalyn nominated Marv,
Don seconded, motion carried.
Rosalyn made motion to appoint Juanita Smith as Sec/Treas. And Ruthann as her asst.
Motion carried
Chris Grosh made a motion and Marv Henise seconded to appoint the following :
Solicitor; CGA Professional center, Robert Strickler.
State Police
Zoning officer – David Sinopoli
Zoning enforcement – Code Administrators
Engineer – C.S. Davidson Inc – Chris Kraft
Animal Control officer – Michelle Klugh
Animal Housing – SPCA-
Sewage Enforcement office– Keith Hunnings
Emergency Management – Phil Smith. Boro reps Rosalyn and Marv-
Eastern York Recreation Commission -Director,Roxanne Poff, boro reps- Lloyd and Nita –
MS4- Steve Daugherty
Website – Christine Grosh
Snow Removal – -Francis McGee
Mowing/Maintenace – Marv and Don
Garbage haulers – Republic Services
Zoning Hearing Board: Richard Hildebrand, Vance Fuller, Wendy Deardorff
Tax Collector – Juanita Smith
Motion carried.
President Daugherty led the Pledge of Allegiance, invocation by Rosalyn.
Secretary report was submitted, Chris Grosh made motion to accept, Marv
Henise seconded, Motion carried
Treasurer report was reviewed; Rosalyn made motion to accept, Don seconded
Motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
Dettinger property pipe repair, marv and Don will repair when weather allows.
Ms4 plan submitted , deadline March 31,2018
Should hear about waiver soon
Meeting dates for 2018 were publishd.
New Busomess;
Marv and Don will replace storm door on Blldg, weather permitting
Council gave Nita permission to purchase new laptop up tp $500
Concerns about Mae Jeam Emeheiser house being abandoned by her family
Nita will check on procedures.
Don Daugherty made motion to pay bills, Rosalun seconded, carried.