Meeting Minutes for a Special Meeting November 14, 2016
December 26, 2016
NOVEMBER 14, 2016
A special meeting of Yorkana Borough Council concerning purchasing 56 Main st. for a Borough office,
All members present except Ruthann and Bob.
Pres. Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 with Pledge and invocation by Rosalyn.
Steve talked with John wilkin, presented Appraisal quote of $62,000.
John Wilkin agreed to sell at $61,500, and not return rental amount or security deposit.
Rosalyn made motion, Marv seconded to accept the amount. Motion carried.
Lloyd made motion and Marv seconded to do a title search Motion carried.
Steve will take care of contract sign agreement. Marv and Steve will sign agreement.
After discussion with Sherry at BBT bank, she suggested we cash in all C.D’s, to pay off Wilkin, instead of
borrowing on a credit line. Marv made motion, Don seconded, Motion carried.
Settlement will be Jan. 2017
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith.