Meeting Minutes for November 7, 2016
DECEMBER 5, 2016
The November 7,2016 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main St. with following members present: Steve, Don, Marvin, Christine, Rosalyn, Lloyd. Absent: Ruthann and Bob.
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and invocation by Rosalyn.
Keith Hannings from South Penn Code Consultants was present with his proposal for seo services, beginning Jan. 2, 2017.
Rick Brogan, General Manager from Modern Landfill and Rod Weitkamp, were present to share landfill progress and present Borough with 2 Solar speed signs, that Landfill purchased for the Borough, at a cost of $11,000. Landfill receives approx. 5000 tons a day. new extension will be possible in the next 9 yrs.
Rod and Marv will install signs.
Secretary report: Marv made motion to accept, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Don made motion, Chris seconded, motion carried
ENGINEER REPORT: mS4 Waiver begins in 2018, new municipal agreement will be needed, application in Sept. at a cost of $500 a public meeting needed in Feb. door hangers handed out in November and education materials set up at election.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Appraiser Brown, appraised 56 main at $62,000 @ at cost of $400 Steve will contact Wilkin
NEW BUSINESS: Rosalyn made motion, Don seconded to appoint Keith Hannings as the new seo for 2017 motion carried.
Lyn made motion, Chris seconded to donate $2000 to the fire co. Motion carried.
2017 Budget was prepared by council, A proposed budget of $37,000 and real estate
millage remain at .250 mills and percapia at $20. Lloyd made motion to accept, Marv seconded. Motion carried, Nita will advertise budget.
Chris made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded. carried.
Lyn made motion to adjourn, Don seconded.
Next meeting, Dec. 5, 2016
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.