Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2017
AUGUST 7, 2017
The July 10, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council Meeting was held at the
Borough building with all members present but Chris Grosh.
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with Pledge
and invocation by Lyn.
Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept,
Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer report: Marv made motion to accept, Skip seconded.
Motion carried.
Engineer report: Valley view project application was submitted.
Unfinished business: Marv has talked with Rod Weitkamp about
helping to repair pipe on Dettinger property.
New sign should be installed next week.
Hollabaugh resident again threatened Sowers family members, police
were called, he was fined $350 for disorderly conduct.
Also he has taken down his chimney and is working on his house.
New Business: Nita reported of attempted car breakin at Kefauver
property, car alarm scared them away, 2 young men
were seen leaving property, State Police were
Nita reported to verizon that phone lines were
down on sidewalk at 72 Main st.
Wendy Kirsch contacted Marv, she is interested
in selling any future signs to Borough.
Lyn will contact Penn Dot about sign down.
EYARC – Carnival in East Prospect was well attended, after all
bills paid, they profitied $700. Summer camp is
being held at MIddle School and East Prospect hall on
Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded. carried.
Next meeting August 7
Lyn made motion to adjourn, Don seconded carried
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith,