Meeting Minutes – June, 2023
JULY 10,2023
The June 5, 2023 Borough council meeting was held at boro office, with following
Members present, Steve Daugherty, Marv Henise, Chris Grosh, Don Daugherty,
Lyn McElhenny, Absent Ruthann Palacios.
Pres. Steve opened the meeting at 7:30 with Pledge and invocation by Lyn
Patron : John Gohn @ 80 Main St. was present to complain about resident at 82 Main, his trees are falling on his property and refuses to take care of a dangerous situation, council advised him to go to magistrate Fishel and file a complaint
Sec. report was submitted, Lyn made motion to accept, Don seconded, motion carried
Treas. Report was reviewed, Marv made motion to accept, Chris seconded, motion carried.
Unfinished business:
Marv will contact landfill about speed sign
Lyn contacted Chris Eaton about Wrightsville trucks, he said ,he cannot do anything
Banners, they do not respond back to Steve
Website- Sarah McVicker does not get back to Chris, Steve will contact her father
Curbs, and fire hydrants ,Skip will get paint and do the painting
county Burn ban is in effect
New business;
High grass McElroy and Rehman
Code administrators, Jason Stevens has closed his business.
Nita to contact site designs
Lyn and Skip to attend quarterly YCBA meeting and dinner
Lyn made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded. Carried.
Chris made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, carried.
Next meeting July 10,
Respectfully Submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.