Meeting Minutes – June 3, 2019
Yorkana borough council met on June 3, 2019 at borough office.
All members present
Pres. Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with pledge
Sec. report was submitted- Rosalyn made motion to accept, Ruthann seconded
Motion carried.
Treas. Report was reviewed, Marv made motion to accept, Don seconded, carried.
No engineer report
Tree – Marv and Don met with Tim O’Donnell at landfill , they will cut down trees
And do cleanup
Janet Smith got 2 quotes for her trees of $13,000 and $10;000
Pot holes frys ave. – Lyn got 2 quotes of b8800 & $9,000 on hold until July meeting
Blade and Lyn attended Stan Saylor meeting
New Business;
EYCEMA – Chris Eaton has two applications for Deputy
Tom Hollabaugh was present to complain of Sowers not mowing on his side of fence.
Mayor informed him that the magistrate said that Tom Was to mow it and not Sowers
Marv made motion to pay bills, Chris seconded. Carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn until July 1, Lyn seconded. Carried
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.