Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – June 5, 2017

October 2, 2017

JULY 10, 2017

The June 5, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held
at Borough office with all members present.

President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 with pledge
and invocation by Christine.

Patron Thomas Hollabaugh was present to give council an
update on his house renovation. After listening to
Hollabaugh complain about other residents issues,
Council informed him that they were not his concerns but

State Police officer was present.

After excusing Hollabaugh, council inquired from officer
as how to handle situation. Anyone that is threatened
needs to call Police immediately and if possible take
pictures, Police will monitor council meetings and
respond to any further incidents.

Secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to
accept Lyn seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s report was reviewed, Marv made motion to
accept, Don seconded, motion carried.

Engineer report: Chris Kraft stated that 11 municipal-
ities are on the waiver list for MS4, applications due
by end of August at a fee of $500.
Chris stated we should label our drains.

Valley View curb project, Don made motion Ruthann
seconded to pass a resolution 1-17, to include engineer
fees in grant application amount. carried.

Unfinished business: Borough sign will be ready in 2
Council decided to table Mayor memorial sign until
New Business: Lyn made motion, Ruthann seconded to
pass resolution 2-17 for old paperwork
to be shredded. motion carried.

Dettinger property, Council will have pipe repaired.
Marv will talk to landfill to see if they can supply
equipment to do so.
Sec. will send letter to fire co., asking for pictures.

Chris made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, carried.
EYARC hold their 2nd carnival at East Prospect ball
field, June 11. with fireworks
Next meeting July 10
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Skip seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.