Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – May 1, 2017

June 6, 2017
                          YORKANA BOROUGH MINUTES
                                           JUNE 5, 2017
                The May 1 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at Borough
                with following members present: Steve, Marv, Chris, Lloyd, Don and
                Ruthann. Absent Lyn
                President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with Pledge and
                invocation by Chris
                Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Don
                                                seconded. Motion carried.
                Treasurer Report was reviewed: Chris made motion to accept, Don
                                              seconded.  Motion carried.
                Public comments: Thomas Hollabaugh was present to complain of neighbor
                                 issues stating people are trespassing on his property.
                                 stated he has no trespassing signs up and he made some
                                 violent threats. Council responded by stating he needs
                                 to call police if he feels people are coming on his
                                 Council voiced their concern about condition of his
                                 property,especially his chimney, he said he had a con-
                                 tractor inspect and there is no danger of falling,
                                 but he refused to share contractor information.
                                 Paul Sowers was also present to state that non of his
                                 accusations were true and that he is definitely worried
                                 about the chimney leaning toward his house.
                                 After a lenghty discussion, council feels they need
                                advice from State Police or attorney as how to handle
                                 Hollabaughs threats
                UNFINISHED BUSINESS;
                                     Steve reported that York Traditions rep, did not
                                     feel we should make any banking changes.
                                     EMA – Phil Smith has decided to stay as director.
                                     EYARC – Council voted not to go along with merger
                                             and remain with EYARC.
                                     Valley View curbing, Ruthann made motion, Don
                                     seconded to apply for grant. motion carried.
                                     Steve presented drawing of new sign for building
                                     Decision was made to also put a sign on bldg in
                                     memory of the 3 Mayors that served in the Borough.
             NEW BUSINESS:
                           Marv and Don removed the shed on borough property,
                           EYARC Carnival June 10 with fireworks at the East Prospect
                           ball field.
                           Primary election this month, Nita will display fliers for ms4
                           Yard sale and spring cleanup also this month.
             Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, Motion carried.
             Don made motion to adjourn, Marv seconded, carried.
             next meeting June 5.
             Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.