Meeting Minutes – November, 2020
December 8, 2020
The November 2, 2020 Borough council meeting was held at borough office with
Following members present: Steve Daugherty, Rosalyn McElhenny, Christine Grosh,
Ruthann Palacios, Don Daugherty, Blade Kline. Absent: Marvin Henise.
President opened the meeting at 7:30 P,M. with pledge and invocation by Lyn.
Sec. report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Treas. Report was reviewed , Blade made motion to accept, Don seconded, motion carried.
Engineer Chris Kraft stated he will do a walk through to evaluate prosposed sidewalk grant.
Scheduled walk through will be following wed. at 4:00, for any council member to join.
Unfinished Business: D.C. Woods has finished work on borough property.
Secretary filed ordinance violation for Tom Hollabaugh, with district magistrate.
Concern of junk yard on Fry,s ave. in Lower Windsor Twp.
New business:
Meeting dates for 2021, Jan 4, feb.1, Mar.1, apr. 5, May 3, June 7, July 5, Aug. 2,
Sept. 7, Oct. 4, Nov. 1, Dec. 6
Fire co. Lyn made a motion, Ruthann seconded, that council is not willing to
make a usage change from residential to commercial for fire co. to put a business in
fire truck building or on their property on Fry’s ave. Motion carried.
Nita and other council members will attend fire co. meeting to clarify the zoning.
Blade made motion, Chris seconded to keep S.P.C.A. as Boro, animal holding facility.
Motion carried.
2021 budget was prepared by council, Ruthann made motion, Blade seconded to increase
Sec. annual salary from $1200 to $1600, Motion carried.
Motion by Blade seconded by Don to adopt a proposed budget of $52,000 and keep
Millage at .250 mills and $20 per capita, motion carried, sec. will advertise for final
Adoption at Dec. 7. Meeting.
Don will report street light on main st. is not working.
Don made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Blade made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded. Motion carried.
Respectfully, Juanita Smith