Meeting Minutes – November 4, 2019
December 2, 2019
The November 4, 2019 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at the
Borough office with all members present
President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and
Invocation by Rosalyn McElhenny.
Sec. report was submitted with correction of Rick Krissinger being present at.
October meeting, Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Rosalyn seconded,
Motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed, Blade Kline made motion to accept, Marv Henise
Seconded, motion carried.
Unfinished business: Marv stated trees at borough office were removed, landfill
Will remove stumps and roots
Vicki Krotzer is helping to take care of Loschiavo property
Election will be held and board took necessary training
Halloween Party was well attended,
New Business: Proposed Budget for 2020 was prepared. Rosalyn made motion to
Adopt proposed budget of $30,000 , Ruthann seconded motion carried.
Secretary will advertise.
Following meeting dates were set for 2020, Jan 6, Feb. 3, Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4,
June 1, July 6, Aug. 3, Sept. 8, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7
Discussion on putting siding on borough building.
Chris Grosh made motion to pay bills, Blade seconded, carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Don Daugherty seconded, carried.
Respectully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.