Meeting Minutes, November 6, 2017
January 4, 2018
December4, 2017
The November 6, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at 56 Main st.
with all members present.
President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with pledge and
invocation by Lyn.
secretary reported was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept, Marv
seconded. Motion carried.
Treasurers’ report was reviewed: Lyn made motion to accept, Skip seconded
Motion carried.
Engineer report: Valley Project was not on Block grant list, could be on
new list.
Unfinished business: Hollabaugh hearing, he was warned if no incident
within the next 90 days, if he does will be arrested.
Lyn reported on EMA meeting, need a special needs list of residents.
Marv reported on Dettinger property pipe repair, waiting on landfill.
New Business: Budget was prepared for 2018, Skip made motion, Ruthann
seconded to adopt a proposed budget of $30,000. Motion
carried. Sec. will advertise., for final adoption at
December 4, meeting.Real Estate tax will remain at .250 mills.
Per capita remains at $20
Lyn made motion, Don seconded to renew contract with
SPCA for 2018 at a fee of $115. motion carried.
Nita will attend information meeting at Donsco, with
Planning commission concerning intergovernment land
comprehension plan.
Lyn made motion to pay bills, Skip seconded, carried
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Chris seconded, carried.
Next meeting Dec. 4, 2017
respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, SEc.