Meeting Minutes – October 7, 2019
Yorkana Borough Minutes
November 4, 2019
The October 7, 2019 Yorkana Borough Council met at the borough building
With all members present.
President Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. with pledge.
Secretary report was submitted. Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept
Lyn McElhenny seconded, motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed: Blade Kline made motion to accept, Don
Daugherty seconded. Motion carried.
No engineer report.
Patron Rick Krissinger was present to ask if they were allowed to have bee hives on property. Council agreed it was allowed.
Unfinished business: trees were removed on Janet Smith property and Boro Property,
Marv and Don will follow up with Tim O’Donnell on paving of Fry’s ave. pot holes.
Steve will talk with Vicki Krotzer on Loschiavo property.
Blade made a motion to adopt the SALDO resolution on House Bill 103, Lyn
Made motion to accept, 2 yeahs and 4 nays. resolution will not be adopted
NEW BUSINESS: election board are taking training on new procedures.
Blade will be representing Yorkana at quarterly boro assoc. meetings.
Ruthann made motion , Marv Henise seconded to retain Klugh animal control
For 2020. motion carried.
Lyn made motion, Don seconded to retain S.P.C.A. as animal retention, carried.
Ruthann made motion to donate $2500 to fire co., Marv seconded, carried.
Lyn made motion to donate $250 for Halloween party, Blade seconded, carried.
Trick or Treat was set for Oct. 31, from 6-8
Ruthann made motion to pay bills, Blade seconded, carried,
Don made motion to adjourn, Lyn seconded, carried.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita smith