Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – September 5, 2017

October 2, 2017

oCTOBER 2, 2017

The Sept. 5, 2017 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at Boro
building with all members present.
Pres. Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm with Pledge and invocation.

Secretary report was submitted: Ruthann made motion to accept,
Skip seconded, motion carried.

Treasurer’s report: Skip made motion to accept, Marv seconded,carried.

MS4- Marv made motion, Lyn seconded to join county
municipal agreement.carried.

Ruthann made motion, Don seconded to sign waiver
application at a fee of $500. motion carried.

Unfinished Business:
Don removed broken sign on Main st.
Marv and Don will install new post & no parking sign.

Tree will be removed on Boro property this fall.

Christ U.M. church will get permit for new sign.

Hollabaugh hearing, Skip attended, Hollabaugh was
cited with a $600 fine.

New Business: EMA, Lyn reported Phil Smith was dealing with evacuation
plan with school principals.

EYARC – Budget was being prepared for review and adoption.

Trick or Treat night was set for Oct. 31, 6-8 P.m.

Skip made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded. carried.
Next meeting Oct. 2
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Marv seconded, carried.

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.