Meeting Minutes – March 2024
Yorkana Borough Minutes
April 8, 2024
The March meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty. After the pledge to the flag an invocation was given by Lyn McElheny. Members present were Ruthann Palacios, Christine Grosh, Marv Henise, Dave Bardo, Lyn McElheny, Steve Daugherty, Juanita Smith and Jolene Kirsch. Mayor Skip McElheny was absent.
The minutes of the February meeting were read and amended as follows: The February invocation was led by Lyn McElheny. Verizon is the company in charge of the downed speed limit sign not the cable company as reported.
The Richardson property was given until March 8th to comply with cleanup not the 3rd as reported. A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Ruthann Palacios and 2nd by Lyn McElheny.
The treasurer’s report was given by Juanita Smith and passed on a motion by Jolene Kirsch and 2nd by Marv Henise.
Old business: Juanita sent another letter to the Richardson property about clean up. Steve talked with the owner, who has made some progress and promised to continue with the work. It was discussed and decided to let the homeowner continue. Marv and Steve with continue to monitor the situation.
Marv reported that Verizon has up to two years to submit a claim on the downed speed limit sign. He will continue to monitor.
Marv found a lawn mower, an 8×8 shed and a weed eater in the range of $1900 – $1950. Jolene made a motion to purchase which was 2nd by Ruthann.
Dave report the Red Cross needs something in writing by the Council authorizing them(the Red Cross) and the Yorkana Fire Company in conjunction with the Borough Council permission to proceed with the free smoke detector program for borough residents.
The Moyer property at 67 Main St. is in foreclosure for the 2nd time. It was reported by Lyn that the mortgage company now has an agent to handle the property, they will be in charge of keeping the grass mowed, etc. No one is allowed on the property.
A letter was sent to 69 Main St. in regards to a weed problem.
New Business: Juanita had a Liquid Fuels audit, which covered the last five years. Recommendations were made which included: Francis McGee must submit invoices on a monthly basis. No checks can be made out to any council members, all reimbursements must come out of the general fund.
Passwords need to be changed every 3 months.
Marv reported Emergency Management is having financial problems and we may see an increase in quarterly bills. They also have scheduled an active shooter practice for the high school.
The property at 75 Main St. is to receive a letter that the Jiffy John is to be removed and a letter to 79 Main St. to clean up the property and also about the weeds.
Allen Serrin, visited the council meeting and complained about the weeds last year at the Woods property. He will keep us informed if there are any problems this year.
Juanita and Jolene will draw up a newsletter to be sent to Borough residents.
Juanita is also going to check into door hangers to be used if the borough finds there is a problem with a residence before a formal letter would be sent.
Santa will be at the Leber Memorial Hall (old fire company) on December
A motion to pay the bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Dave.
A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Marv.
Respectfully submitted
Jolene Kirsch
Asst. Secretary