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2024 Borough Council Meeting Dates

January 2

February 12

March 11

April 8

May 13

June 10

July 8

August 12

September 9

October 14

November 11

December 9


Recycling Information for Residents

Please use this link to the Republic Services Recycling web page where residents can type in their address to find out what is recyclable in their area – .  This way if the hauling company makes any changes, you will still have access to the most current information.


Electronics Recycling

For information on electronics recycling, please visit this website:


Trash Receptacle

If you are in need of a new trash receptacle, you may get one by contacting Andy Warntz, Republic Services, at 717-779-2546.


Note from Eastern York Co. EMA

Eastern York Co. Emergency Management Agency

Any Hellam Township, Hallam Borough, Lower Windsor Township, Wrightsville Borough, Yorkana Borough, or East Prospect Borough resident who feels they may need additional assistance in an emergency situation should, register with Eastern York Co. Emergency Management Agency. This is a free and voluntary program; all information is secure and confidential. The registry form is on website under the Eastern York Co. Emergency Management tab or stop in at your municipal office to pick a form up. The information collected will be maintained by the Eastern York Co. Emergency Management Agency and may be shared with first responders, such as fire, police, and EMS departments.

Additional assistance includes, but is not limited to individuals with or without:

  • Mobility difficulties
  • Intellectual or developmental disabilities
  • Sight or hearing impairments
  • Special medical equipment
  • Reliable or consistent form of transportation
  • Access to emergency information via TV, radio, internet


If you have any questions regarding this form, contact Chris Eaton, Emergency Management Coordinator at  [email protected]; 717-968-7014



Some Reminders:


Sidewalks must be shoveled within 24 hours after the snowfall.

Abandoned cars are not to be kept on your property.

Obey rules for open burning.

See our section on ordinances for more information.  If you do not see the ordinance listed, it will be added soon.