Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – August 2024

October 13, 2024

September 9,2024

The August 12th,2024 meeting was called to order by President Steve Daugherty, followed by the pledge of allegiance and invocation by Mayor McElheny.

Members present were, Nita Smith, Dave Bardo, Ruthann Palacios, Marvin Henise, Lyn McElheny, Christine Grosh, Jolene Kirsch, President Steve Daugherty and Mayor Lloyd McElhenny.

A correction from last month’s minutes changed property owners listed as Pauling to Pangeos on a motion from Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn.

The treasurer’s report was passed on a motion by Marv and 2nd by


Old Business…Damian Wladlowski attended the meeting to talk about problems he has with dogs in town not being on leashes and chasing his wife. The problem was already taken care of before the council meeting.

Richardson property, work is progressing.

69 Main Street send a letter that informs the owner that the fine is up to $300.00.

Kefauver property, barn is okay but still has weeds on other buildings.

79 Main Street, council to send another letter about the weeds.

The speed limit sign by the church needs to be moved.

The weed ordinance was discussed and it was decided to keep the maximum length of weeds at 12 inches and we will continue to enforce the ordinance. A property owner will have seven (7) days to comply or will be fined. Subsequent infractions will automatically be fined.

The truck at the church has been removed.

Nita reported that she was in touch with Shred It. The cost for a Saturday would be $325.00 per hour with a minimum of 3 hours. Nita is to contact Windsor Twp to see if we can have some of our residents join in their next event.

PennDOT is to send someone out to check the maintenance that needs to be done along the curb line.

September 6th and 7th is the community yard sale and the 1st Saturday in November is fall cleanup.

Chris Craft from C.S. Davidson attended our August meeting. Chris reported that the York County Planning Commission has authority for any subdivision plans. The Borough does have a say before there is a final approval and at that point, we need to contact C.S. Davidson.

New Business…

Emergency Management has changed their by-laws and have increased their base rate for the Borough. Our cost will increase from $538.00 to $2038.68 per year. Discussion on this has been tabled until the September meeting.

The Brethren Church has requested another handicap parking spot in front of the church along Main Street. The Mayor volunteered to take

care of this.

The Fire Company merger is complete. There will be a service to retire the number 38 and enter number 13 in service.

A motion to pay new bills was made by Lyn and 2nd by Ruthann.

A motion to adjourn was made by Ruthann and 2nd by Marv.