Meeting Minutes – December 2025
January 13,2025
The December 9th meeting of Yorkana Borough Council was called to order by President Steve Daugherty at 7:30 pm. Followed by the pledge of allegiance and an invocation led by Lyn McElheny. Members present were: Nita Smith, Lyn McElheny, Dave Bardo, Marv Henise, Christine Grosh, Ruthann Palacios and Jolene Kirsch. Also attending was Mayor McElheny.
Chris from C,S,Davidson attended the meeting to review some information regarding the storm water plans for Fry’s Avenue.
Minutes of the November 11th meeting were read and accepted on a motion by Ruthann and 2nd by Lyn. The treasurer’s report was given and approved on a motion from Jolene and 2nd by Marv.
Larry and Renee Heinley, residents of the borough, visited and joined us for our meeting.
The 2025 budget for the Borough was advertised as required and then passed on a motion from Lyn and 2nd by Ruthann. The Per Capita and Real Estate taxes will remain the same.
Sewage was discussed and it was decided on a motion by Marv and 2nd by Lyn that inspections must be done every four years. There will be no exceptions to the ordinance. An inspection must be completed by all households in 2025.
There was no new business to be discussed. A motion was made by Lyn and 2nd by Chris to pay bills.
Ruthann made a motion to adjourn which was 2nd by Lyn.