Meeting Minutes January 3, 2017
March 5, 2017
FEBRUARY 6, 2017
The January 3, 2017 Borough Council Meeting was held at 56 Main St.
with following members present. Steve, Don, Marv, Rosalyn, Lloyd, Chris, ABsent Ruthann.
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30pm.with Pledge and invocation by Lyn.
Secretary report was submitted: Lloyd made motion to accept, Marv seconded, Motion carried.
Treasurer’s report; Lloyd made motion to accept, Lyn seconded. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business: speed limit signs will go up when weather permits.
Settlement for building will be Jan. 5 4:00pm, final amount of $63,709.29 in the
form of a cashiers’ check, Monies coming from Borough C.D.’s. Marv and Steve will
attend closing.
New Business:
Discussion on paying council members for missed mtgs. Rosalyn made motion, Marv seconded to pay members one missed meeting a year. Motion carried.
A letter of resignation from Mayor Palacios, effective immediately, due to poor health and not being able
to attend to his duties. Council regretfully accepted his resignation.
McElhenny’s said they have a flag pole to be put in front yard of new building.
Marv and Don will take down cable wire hanging over driveway of bldg.
Spring community yard sale was set for May 6.
Marv, Ruthann,Lyn and Don are up for relection, Mayor, Tax Collector and election board positions
are also up for election.
Nita will pick up petitions.
According to Borough codes, President assumes Mayor duties until end of term, being paid Mayor salary.
Complaints of Moyer chickens roaming neighbors yard and Hollabaugh vehicles in back yard. Nita will
EYARC – Nita gave update on Merger, will have ordinance for review at Feb. Meeting.
Marv made motion to pay bills, Lyn seconded, carried.
Don made motion to adjourn, Lloyd seconded,
Next meeting, Feb.6.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, Sec.