Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – August, 2023

October 2, 2023


                                                            SEPT.5, 2023

The August 4, 2023 Yorkana Borough meeting was held at the borough office With all members present.                             

Pres. Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with pledge and invocation by Lyn Mc Elhenny.

Heather Bittner from YCPC was present to discuss a Transportation Improvement Plan. A draft plan will be offered in Dec. Council can offer any suggestions for safety of Borough.

Sec. report was submitted. Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Lyn seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer report was reviewed.  Chris Grosh made motion to accept, Marv Henise seconded. Motion carried.

Unfinished business- speed limit sign still not working.

New Business

Ruthann made a motion to appoint Commonwealth of Pa. as our construction code firm Marv seconded the motion. Motion carried. Pres. To sign contract. Peter Schillings to be Our contact inspector.

Following to be notified of weed violations. Kefauver, Rehman, McElroy, and 67 Main St.

Yard Sale Sept. 8 and 9

Fall cleanup Nov. 4

Lyn made motion to pay bills, Don Daugherty seconded, motion carried.

Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Don seconded, motion carried. Next meeting. Sept 5

Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.