Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Meeting Minutes – September 2024

November 11, 2024

October 14,2024

The meeting of September 9th, was called to order by Vice President Christine Grosh at 7:30 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was followed by an invocation from Lyn McElhenny.
Members present were, Christine, Lyn, Dave Bardo, Marv Henise and Jolene Kirsch

Minutes of the meeting from August 12th were read and accepted on a motion by Lyn and 2nd by Marv.

The treasurer’s report was read by Christine and accepted on a motion from Jolene and 2nd by Lyn.

Old business– The Mayor completed the handicap parking on the curb in front of the church.
Our animal ordinance needs to be updated.
Emergency management discussion was tabled until the October meeting.

New Business– Chief Hopple from the fire company passed along information that the workman’s compensation should be paid and we would be reimbursed for our share.
A motion from Lyn and 2nd by Marv approved animal control services from Michelle Klugh Control Services for 2025.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lyn and 2nd by Dave.

Respectfully submitted,
Jolene Kirsch