Yorkana Borough Minutes
All members present : Pres. Steve Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 with pledge and Invocation by Rosalyn McElhenny.
Sec. report was submitted Ruthann Palacios made motion to accept, Rosalyn
Seconded . motion carried.
Treas. Report was reviewed, Rosalyn made motion to accept, Blade Kline seconded,
Motion carried.
Chris Eaton , emergency manager was present to update on his responsibilities and
Future plans for municipalities.
Hazard Mitigation Plan – a motion by Ruthann and seconded by Don Daughery to pass
Resolution, motion carried, to be sent to YCPC
Engineer Chris Kraft was present to discuss stormwater ordinance, send copy to David Sinopoli
unfinished business: Don Daugherty contacted met ed concerning L.e.d. street lights
waiting for their response.
Rod weitkamp still wants to do tree removals.
Mayor Skip and Nita to visit Law Library to view past ordinances.
New business: Nita will order 25 more zoning ordinance books from YCPC
New garbage and recycle pickup day will change to Tuesday. Republic services will
Notify all residents. Nita supplied them with addresses.
Borough taxes will be mailed , will include newsletter stating abandoned vehicles
Will be monitored by mayor and letters sent out in March to offenders.
Blade made motion to pay bills, Marv seconded.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Rosalyn seconded, motions carried.
Next meeting March, 4.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita smith, sec.