January 6, 2020
The December 2, 2019 Yorkana Borough Council meeting was held at borough
Office with following members present: Steve Daugherty, Rosalyn McElhenny,
Christine Grosh, Blade Kline, Don Daugherty, Ruthann Palacios, Absent: Marv
Henise. Present: Mayor Skip McElhenny, Engineer, Chris Kraft.
President Daugherty opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with Pledge and in-
Vocation by Lyn.
Secretary report was submitted, Ruthann made motion to accept, Don seconded.
Motion carried.
Treasurer report was reviewed: Lyn made motion to accept, Blade seconded.
Motion carried.
Engineer report that block grant applications are coming in 2020, council
Discussed applying for grant to replace old sidewalks in boro.
Unfinished business: proposed budget was advertised , Ruthann made motion
Lyn seconded to adopt a $30,000 budget for 2020, motion carried.
Blade made motion , Chris seconded to keep real estate millage at .250 mills,
And per capita at $20. Motion carried.
Secretary will check with solicitor on preparation of on lot sewage ordinance.
New Business: reorganization meeting in Jan. 2020,
Discussion on property on fry’s ave property, creating a junk yard, Nita will
Contact Lower Windsor Twp. To make them aware.
Discussion on putting siding , spouting, and porch railing on boro. Building.
Council will search for quotes.
EYARC – director Amanda Enedy is doing well and has staff positions filled.
Blade made motion to pay bills, Don seconded, motion carried.
Ruthann made motion to adjourn, Lyn seconded, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Juanita Smith, sec.